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E-con a simple solution in difficult situation

Good product, complicated story

Econ being the emergency contraceptive pill had an instant market in Nepal. Mostly all other family planning methods were preventive but this one was an oral pill taken by the female within 5 days of unsafe sex.

Although with a high number of unwanted pregnancies among the unmarried, the pill was a boon, the communication was complicated as it could be deemed as a product that further promoted unsafe sex among the youth.

When controversy is not desired, play it safe

The decision was made to take a safer route without provocative communication or suggestive visuals. So it was communicated as “a simple solution in difficult situation” with a visual of a young adult woman holding the pill between her fingers making an “OK” sign. The major communication was given in the body copy. Similarly, the TVC showed a casual sex scenario in a symbolical way and made its point in a subtle manner

You don’t always have to be loud to be heard

The approach econ took was not loud but it made its desired noise among its beneficiaries and made a mark as an easy solution and established itself as emergency contraceptive medicine to look for in such difficult situation

If the product has critical usage communication, don’t leave it for further information

There were certain usage criteria which were to be followed for effective use like when to use and how to use. It was included in every communication material as we didn’t want it to be something the TG should further seek info about.

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